“For too long IT Business has had the taste of bad coffee, it’s time we finally change that.”

With the ongoing shift in customer demand, the only constant we can see now is change

Robin rosario-morgan

mission i

According to a recent study over 70% of IT projects fail and of those failed projects 74% were attributed to a lack of competency in resources. Our mission is to support and drive business adaptability through Next Generation Project Management via Agile.

Oil Transport Worldwide

mission ii

With the average business spending millions in safety incidents and rising insurance, and property damage, our mission is to show businesses how best to leverage technology to ensure greater employee safety so that everyone goes home safely today.

mission iii

For the average company, up to 73% of their operational data goes unused. For most organizations gleaning insight from their data has become a cliché. Our mission is to help bridge the widening gap between IT and the Business through data analytics.

Say goodbye to data silos…

Visit Us

  • 5850 San Felipe Suite 500
  • info@sterlingteks.com
  • (713) 400-7675
  • (713) 400-7801